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Dr. Minoo Shirazi

Dr. Minoo Shirazi is a nutritionist who practices in Toronto.
After graduating from gifted-students high school, she took part in two national-wide entrance university exams and ranked 20th and 3rd among over 1,000,000 attendants, back in Iran. She started medical school in 1991 and graduated in 1998 ranking among the top students in the faculty. Her medical degree is from Tehran University of Medical Science which is the most prestigious medical university in Iran.
After graduation, to fulfill her obligation to the government, she worked as head of the Family Health Program in the government health network from 1998 to 2001.
After fulfillment of her obligation, she took part in a very competitive Ph.D. entrance exam for Nutritional Science which is held for medical doctors, and was accepted. During her Ph.D. program, she ranked number one in the faculty. She graduated from the Ph.D. program in 2007. Her Ph.D. is from Shahid Beheshti University which ranks number one in Nutritional Science among all universities offering this program in Iran.
Immediately after graduation, she secured employment with “The Clinical Nutrition and Diet Therapy Department” of “The nutrition and Food Technology Faculty”, Shahid Beheshti University as an Assistant Professor, a position she held until she immigrated to Canada. She was awarded with the “Faculty Member with the Most accomplishment” award at Shahid Beheshti University in 2009. She also supervised master's and Ph.D. dissertations, published many articles in scientific journals, and presented articles at congresses.

Dr. Minoo Shirazi believes the combination of her conventional and holistic nutritional knowledge is the best way to help her clients.
After she and her family immigrated to Canada, she approved her Ph.D. Degree and continued her education to become a Registered Holistic Nutritionist. She finished “The holistic Nutrition program” at “The Canadian School of Natural Nutrition” in Toronto and was certified as a “Registered Holistic Nutritionist” in 2013. Then she successfully finished “The advanced program of Nutrition for Immune Support”. Now, she is a member of CAHN.Pro and CSIFNS. She established “ONTRACK Health, Nutrition, and Slimming Clinic Corp” in 2010 in Toronto, Canada.
As you might be aware the new approach in medical science is healing and treating each person as a unique individual with a unique personality, character, mentality, physical and mental situation, and needs. Dr. Minoo Shirazi believes the combination of her conventional and holistic nutritional knowledge is the best way to help her clients. She carries more than 20 years of successful experience in diet planning for different health issues from Kidney problems to diabetes and weight management.
May 2021
July 2013 -June 2014
Nutrition Management for Cardiometabolic Diseases, Harvard Medical School, Boston, USA
Advanced program in | Nutrition & Immune Support: Canadian School of Natural Nutrition, Toronto, Canada.
May 2013 -June 2013
Registered Holistic Nutritionist: Canadian School of Natural Nutrition, Toronto, Canada.
Dec 2002 –April 2007
Jan. 91 – April 98
Ph.D. of Nutritional Science: Faculty of Nutrition & Food Technology, Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran
Doctorate of General Medicine: Medical Faculty, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran
Ph.D. Dissertation: Comparison of three diets containing “fish oil“, “Iranian fat consumption pattern”, and “standard” diet on growth, neurological development, serum lipoproteins, insulin sensitivity, and aortic and liver histology in female rats
Thesis for General Medicine : An Assessment of Fever of unknown origin and its causes in elderly patients referring to Tehran General Hospital