Dr. Minoo Shirazi
Personal Profile
As you might be aware the new approach in medical science is healing and treating each person as a unique individual with a unique personality, character, mentality, physical and mental situation, and needs. Dr. Minoo Shirazi believes the combination of her conventional and holistic nutritional knowledge is the best way to help her clients. She carries more than 20 years of successful experience in diet planning for different health issues from Kidney problems to diabetes and weight management.
Professional Experience
Nutritional consultation and diet planning at ONTRACK Health and Nutrition Clinic, Toronto, Canada
2007 – 2011
Assistant professor of Nutrition: Department of Clinical Nutrition and Dietetics, Faculty of Nutrition & Food Technology, Shahid Beheshti University, Tehran, Iran
2007 – 2011
Set up a referral clinic for diet therapy of patients with hereditary rare metabolic diseases (i.e. PKU, Galactosemia, Fructosemia, … ), Faculty of Nutrition& FoodTechnology, Shahid Beheshti University, Tehran, Iran
2007 – 2011
Set up a referral clinic for diet therapy of patients with hereditary rare metabolic diseases (i.e. PKU, Galactosemia, Fructosemia, … ), Faculty of Nutrition& FoodTechnology, Shahid Beheshti University, Tehran, Iran
This clinic is the first professional clinic offering nutritional consultation and diet planning for patients with metabolic diseases referred from other Medical Specialists.
2009 – 2011
Nutritionist: Working as a Nutritionist / Dietician in Professor Kimiagar’s private clinic ( A well-known Nutritionist and Dietitian in Iran)
1998 – 2000
Medical doctor and Managing Director at Islamshahr Health Network Organization, Tehran, Iran
Published Articles
Egg consumption in relation to Glioma: A case-control study, Nutrition and Cancer,2019,VOL. 71, NO. 1, 41-49.
Tea and coffee consumption in relation to Glioma: A case-control study, European Journal of Nutrition, 2017, N0v 9, [Epub ahead of print].
Adherence to the Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension-style diet in relation to Glioma: a case-control study. British Journal of Nutrition, 2016, Mar 28, 115(6):1108-16.
Effects of zinc supplementation in patients with major depression: a randomized clinical trial. Iran J Psychiatry 2013 Jun; 8(2):73-9.
Effect of magnesium supplementation on primary insomnia in the elderly. Journal of Birjand University of Medical sciences. Fall 2012 , Volume 19 , Number 3 (52) ; Page(s) 223 To 234.
Effect of magnesium supplementation on physical activity of overweight or obese insomniac elderly subjects: A double-blind randomized clinical trial. Zahedan journal of research in medical sciences (Tabib-e-shargh) ,March 2013 , Volume 15 , Number 3 ; Page(s) 14 To 19.
Phytase supplementation improves blood zinc in rats fed with high phytate Iranian bread. J Res Med Sci 2012 Apr; 17(4):361-7.
Oral magnesium supplementation positively affects physical activity in obese insomniac elderly subjects: A double-blind randomized clinical trial, Zahedan Journal of Research in Medical Sciences, 2011; 3(11): 18-25.
Prevalence of dyslipidemia among Iranian patients with idiopathic tinnitus, Journal of Research in Medical Sciences, 2011; 16(7): 890-896.
Fish oil increases atherosclerosis and hepatic steatosis, although decreases serum cholesterol in Wistar rat, Journal of Research in Medical Sciences, 2011; 16(5): 583-590.
Oral magnesium supplementation affects total energy intake and weight in insomniac elderly subjects: A double-blind randomized clinical trial, IranianJournal ofNutrition & Food Technology, 2011; 2(18): 45-57.
Comparison of the effects of three diets; a fish oil-containing diet, a diet with a fat content similar to Iranian diets, and a standard diet on serum lipids and lipoproteins in rats, Iranian Journal of Epidemiology, 2010; 4(2): 25-32.
Comparison of the effects of a fish oil-containing diet, a diet with a fat content similar to Iranian diets, and a standard diet on serum glucose and Insulin sensitivity in Wistar rat, Iranian Journal of Nutrition & Food Technology, 2009; 2(13): 25-36.
Comparison of the effects of a fish oil-containing diet, a diet with a fat content similar to Iranian diets, and a standard diet on hepatic steatosis in Wistar rat, IranianJournal of Nutrition & Food Technology, 2009; 1(12): 1-10.
Comparison of the effects of a fish oil-containing diet, a diet with a fat content similar to Iranian diets, and a standard diet on aortic atherosclerosis in rats, IranianJournal of Epidemiology, 2008; 2(1,2): 67-75.
Macronutrient intake in Iranian Multiple Sclerosis patients, Journal of Medical Sciences, 2007; 7(3): 422-426.
Dietary Supplementation in Multiple Sclerosis patients, Journal of Medical Sciences, 2007; 7(3): 413-417.
“Micronutrient intake in Iranian Multiple Sclerosis patients” “Journal of Medical Sciences, 2007; 7(3):413-417.”
Comparison of the effects of a fish oil-containing diet, a diet with a fat content similar to Iranian diets, and a standard diet on pregnancy indices, growth and development in rats, Iranian Journal of Nutrition & Food Technology, 2006: 2(2): 96-103.
Comparison of micronutrient intake in Iranian MS patients with recommended doses, Iranian Journal of Epidemiology, 2006; 3(1): 37-44.
Comparison of macronutrient intake in Iranian MS patients with recommended doses, approved in Iranian Journal of Epidemiology
Dosage and type of dietary supplements consumed by Iranian MS patients, “Pazhoohandeh” Medical journal, 2006; 10(5): 329-337.
Guide book of nutrition for MS patients, Iranian MS Society publications, 2006.
Articles presented in Congresses
Oral magnesium supplementation positively affects some of type 2 diabetes mellitus risk factors in insomniac elderly subjects: A double-blind randomized clinical trial, The 9th International Congress of Endocrine Disorders, Iran, 2011
Nutritional Assessment of MS patients referred to Iranian Multiple Sclerosis Society, 7th international congress of Multiple Sclerosis, Iran, 2010
Role of ketogenic diet in treatment of pediatric epilepsy, 7th International congress of Epilepsy, Iran, 2010
Trace element ingested by Iranian Multiple sclerosis patients, Iranian Second Congress of Trace Elements, 2010
Effect of Zinc supplementation on Immune cell function, Iranian Second Congress of Trace Elements, 2010
Over consumption of vitamin supplements in Iranian Multiple Sclerosis patients. Iranian 19th congress of Physiology & Pharmacology, 2009.
Effects of virgin olive oil on prevention of cardiovascular diseases, First congress of Olive oil, 2009.
Comparing the effect of fish oil, soy bean oil and mixed oil diets on neurodevelopment of Wistar rat, Iranian 18th congress of Physiology & Pharmacology, 2007.
Doses and types of vitamin and mineral supplements consumed by Iranian Multiple Sclerosis patients, Second International congress of Multiple Sclerosis, 2005
Courses taught
Nutrition in patients afflicted by cancers: For Ph.D. Candidates, Faculty of Nutrition & Food Technology
Advanced Nutrition 1 (Fats & carbohydrates): For Masters Students, Faculty of Nutrition & Food Technology
Diet Therapy 1: For bachelor students, Faculty of Nutrition & Food Technology
Medical Terminology: For bachelor students, Faculty of Nutrition & FoodTechnology
Essentials of Nutrition 2: For bachelor students, Faculty of Nutrition & FoodTechnology
Nutrition in post surgical patients (practical course at hospital): For bachelor students, Modarres Hospital, Surgery ward, Shahid Beheshti University
Nutrition in patients with Gasterointestinal and hepatic problems (practical course at hospital): For bachelor students, Modarres Hospital, Gastroenterology ward, Shahid Beheshti University
Clinical project: For bachelor students, Faculty of Nutrition & Food Technology
Essentials of Nutrition: For bachelors students, Faculty of Midwifery and nursing faculty
Mother and Child Nutrition: For bachelors students, Faculty of Midwifery and nursing
Sport Nutrition: For medical doctors.
Dissertations performed under my supervision
M.Sc. program
The association between food groups and dietary intake with adult brain gliomas, Faculty of Nutrition & Food Technology and Loghman Hospital
Effect of zinc supplementation on depression severity on major depressive disorder patients. Faculty of Nutrition & Food Technology
Dissertations performed under my consultation
Ph.D. program
Effect of phytase supplementation on zinc, iron and calcium status in rats fed with diet containing Iranian high fiber and phytate bread. Faculty of Nutrition & FoodTechnology
Assessment and comparing of canola oil and sunflower oil consumption on inflammatory factors (IL-1, IL-4, IL-6 and TNF-alfa) in patients with osteoporosis. Faculty of Nutrition & Food Technology
M.Sc. program
Effect of magnesium supplementation on sleep disorders in elderly, Faculty of Nutrition & Food Technology
Additional Professional Activities
Referee of 7th national congress of medical students’ research papers
Nutrition Counseling for Multiple sclerosis (MS) patients in Iranian MS Society
Lectures regarding Nutrition in MS Patients Iranian MS Society
Teaching the screening program of Cervical Cancer to health staff of Tehran-Jonoob Health Network
Lectures regarding Breastfeeding for health staff and for patients in Tehran-Jonoob Health Network
Setting up workshops about ‘Health Principals in clinics” in Tehran-Jonoob Health Network
Lectures about Supplemental Nutrition in Infants for staff and for patients in Tehran-Jonoob Health Network
Establishment 3 centers for Vasectomy in Tehran-Jonoob
Establishment Nutrition & Diet Therapy Center in Tehran-Jonoob Publishing tracts & pamphlets about different subjects of Family Health in Tehran-Jonoob
Attending International Nutrition Congresses in different countries
Attending 40 national congresses re Nutrition and Medical sciences
Attending Workshops of W.H.O and UNFPA
Attending Advanced Workshops of “Research article writing”
Attending Advanced Workshops of “Research Methodology”
Reviewer of Scientific-Research Journals
Iranian Journal of Nutrition Sciences & Food Technology (Chief editor: Professor Masood Kimigar)
Iranian Journal of Epidemiology (Chief Editor: Professor Abolhasan Nadim)
Iranian Journal of Basic Medical Sciences ( Chief Editor” Dr. Sadighe Fazli Bazaz)
Journal of Research in Medical Sciences (Chief Editor: Dr. Mahmood Sghaei)
Annals of Saudi Medicine (Chief Editor: Dr. Mohammed Ahmed)
Membership of Medical Research Organizations
2009 – 2011
2008 – 2011
2007 – 2011
2002 – 2011
2002 – 2011
Iranian Trace Elements Society
Iranian Alzheimer Society
Iranian Epilepsy Society
Iranian Multiple Sclerosis Society
Iranian Nutrition Council
And Last but not least...
“Faculty member with the most accomplishment” award in Shaheed Beheshti University in 2009
Ph.D A Exam G.P.A : 19.825 out of 20
“Doctor with the most accomplishment” award in Tehran-Jonoob in 1999
Volunteer activities:
Free Nutrition Counseling for needy Multiple Sclerosis (MS) Patients
Teaching English for students at intermediate level
Teaching Human Biology at Gifted Students High School
Helping patients in National disasters